来源:常见问题 阅读:154030 发布时间:2020-02-15
氟化乙烯丙烯绝缘玻璃或石棉编织线 FEPB(fluorated ethylene-propylene insulated wire with glass or asbestos braid)
皱纹铝护套 corrugated alumnimum sheath
热缩护套 the heath shrinkable sleeves
护套 jacket
铅护套 Lead sheath
外护套 outer sheath
压铝护套 Extruded Aluminium Sheath
护套 sheathing
铝-聚乙烯粘接护套 APL sheath
铝-树脂-聚乙烯-铝-聚乙烯综合护套 ARPAP type sheath
铝-钢-聚乙烯综合护套 ASP sheath4
对群绞设备4- twin group stranding plant
铝-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 Alpeth cable
铝-聚乙烯综合护套 Alpeth cover
铝-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 Alpeth sheathed cable
铝-聚乙烯综合护套 Alpeth-sheath
焊接皱纹钢带护套 welding corrugated steel sheath
护套起皱 wrinkle of jacket
壁厚、绝缘[护套]厚度 wall thickness
内护套、内护层 undersheath
硬橡皮电缆护套 tough rubber cabtyre sheath
高频熔焊皱纹金属护套 toughlex sheath
挤包绝缘或护套 tubing
双活塞电缆护套挤压机 twin-ram cable sheathing press
热塑性氯化聚乙烯护套 thermoplastic chlorinated polyethylene jacket
热塑性塑料绝缘及护套电缆 thermoplastic insulated and jacketed cable
挤压[挤包]铅护套、压铅 to apply the lead sheath
剥除电缆护套 to strip the cable sheath
夯实、捣固、铅护套扩张试验 tamping
丁苯合成橡皮护套 styrene-butadiene synthetic rubber jacket
在接头处护套互联的电缆系统 system with the cable sheaths connected across the joints
焊接皱纹钢带护套 welding corrugated steel sheath
护套起皱 wrinkle of jacket
壁厚、绝缘[护套]厚度 wall thickness
内护套、内护层 undersheath
硬橡皮电缆护套 tough rubber cabtyre sheath
高频熔焊皱纹金属护套 toughlex sheath
挤包绝缘或护套 tubing
双活塞电缆护套挤压机 twin-ram cable sheathing press
热塑性氯化聚乙烯护套 thermoplastic chlorinated polyethylene jacket
热塑性塑料绝缘及护套电缆 thermoplastic insulated and jacketed cable
挤压[挤包]铅护套、压铅 to apply the lead sheath
剥除电缆护套 to strip the cable sheath
夯实、捣固、铅护套扩张试验 tamping
丁苯合成橡皮护套 styrene-butadiene synthetic rubber jacket
在接头处护套互联的电缆系统 system with the cable sheaths connected across the joints
钢-铝-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 stalpeth cable
钢-铝-聚乙烯护套 stalpeth cover
钢-铝-聚乙烯综合护套 stalpeth sheath
钢-铝-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 stalpeth sheathed cable
钢-铝-聚乙烯综合护套 stalpeth-sheath
钢护套 steel sheath
光护套、光滑护套 smooth sheath
光滑铝护套 smooth-profile aluminium sheath
光滑护套电缆 smooth-sheathed cable
护层、护套 sheath
护套轧纹 sheath crimping
护套偏心监控仪 sheath eccentricity monitor
护套涡流损耗系数 sheath eddy current loss factor
护套绝缘环 sheath insulating ring
护套损耗 sheath loss
护套损耗 sheath losses
护套结构 sheath make-up
护套加固箍 sheath reinforcing bandage
护套的接续 sheath splice
护套的接续 sheath splicing
护套加强元件、护套加强单元 sheath strength member
护套剥除机、剥护套机 sheath stripping machine
护套表面 sheath surface
护套厚度 sheath thickness
护套换位 sheath transposition
护套(内)壁 sheath wall
护套壁厚 sheath wallthickness
护套线、被覆线 sheath wire
护套电缆 sheathed cable
固定布线用护套电缆 sheathed cable for fixed wiring
有外护套层的卷边纵包金属护套布线电缆 sheathed metal-clad wiring cable
护套线、被覆线 sheathed wire
挤[包]护套、护套 sheathing
护套混合物[料] sheathing compound
护套挤包设备 sheathing equipment
护套挤制生产线 sheathing line
护套挤出机 sheathing machine
护套材料 sheathing material
护套试样 sheathing test-piece
护套线、被覆线 sheathing wire
护套颜色 sheating color
护套工段 sheating department
单护套 single sheath
单芯电缆(有或无护套) single-core cable (with or without sheath)
内部配线用单芯无护套电缆、布线电缆 single-core non-sheath cable for internal wiring
有护套的单芯导线 single-core sheathed conductor
单护套电缆 single-jacketed cable
聚乙烯密封护套 sealpeth sheath
金属护套的无缝挤包、无缝护包金属护套 seamless extrusion of metal sheaths 自粘性外护套 self-bonding overcoat
半导体护套 semi-conducting jacket
护套剥离绳 rip cord
橡皮绝缘护套 rubber insulating blanket
橡皮护套、橡套 rubber sheath
加固型铅护套 reinforced lead sheath
增强型护套 reinforced sheathv
剥除(绝缘、护套)、拆卸 remove
铝护套电力电缆 power cable with aluminium sheath
抗压力护套 pressure-retaining sheath
护套 protective jacket
护套、护层 protective jackte
护套 protective sheath
平[光]滑护套 plain sheath
塑料护套 plastic sheath
塑料护套厚度检测装置 plastic thickness test unit
塑料[非金属]护套电缆 plastic-sheathed cable
塑料护套软线 plastic-sheathed flexible cord
氯丁橡胶护套电缆 polychloroprene sheathed cable
聚乙烯护套 polyethylene jacket
聚乙烯护套料 polyethylene jacking compound8
字形绕包聚乙烯护套 polyethylene sheath of figure-8 formation
聚乙烯护套料 polyethylene sheating compound
聚乙烯护套电缆 polyethylene-jacketed cable
铅-聚乙烯综合护套 polyethylene-protected lead sheath
聚乙烯铝膜粘接护套 polyethylene/aluminium bonded laminate sheath
聚乙烯护套电缆 polythene jacketed cable
聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套电缆 polythene-insulated cable sheathed with PVC 聚氯乙烯绝缘及护套电缆 polyvinyl chloride insulated and sheathed cable 聚氯乙烯护套 polyvinyl chloride jacket
护套的透潮 permeation through jacket
普通塑料护套软线 ordinary plastic-sheathed flexible cord
普通聚氯乙烯护套软线 ordinary(PVC-)sheathed flexible cord
聚合物外护套 outer polymeric sheath
外护套 outer sheath
外护套 outer shell
外护套、外护层 overcoat
外护套、外护层 oversheath
耐臭氧乙丙橡胶护套 ozone-resisting ethylene propylene rubber jacket
包套、外护套 package sheathing(
油浸)纸绝缘铅护套电缆 paper-insulated lead-covered cable(
油浸)纸绝缘铅护套电缆 paper-insulated lead-sheathed cable
纸绝缘金属护套电缆 paper-insulated metal-sheathed cable
非金属护套 non-metallic sheath
非金属护套电缆 non-metallic-sheathed cable
无护套电缆 non-sheathed cable
固定布线用无护套电缆 non-sheathed cable for fixed wiring
非金属护套 nonmetallic covering
尼龙护套电缆 nylon jacketed cable
尼龙护套光纤 nylon-jacketed optical fiber
纸绝缘金属护套充油电缆 oil-filled paper-insulated metal-sheathed cable
光缆护套挤出生产线 optical cable sheathing line
多层护套(北美采用) multilayered jacket
多层护套 multilayered sheath
多层护套、层式护套 multiple sheath
天然橡胶护套 natural rubber jacket
金属护套 metal sheath
卷边纵包金属护套布线电缆 metal-clad wiring cable
金属护套电缆 metal-sheathed cable
铜芯矿物绝缘铜护套电缆 mineral-insulated copper-sheathed cable with copper conductor
防潮护套 moisture barrier jacket
防潮护套 moisture barrier sheath
氧化镁绝缘金属护套电线 magnesia-insulated metal sheathed wire
聚乙烯-铅综合护套层、铅-聚乙烯综合护套 lepeth
铅-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 lepeth cable
铅-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 lepeth-sheath cable
轻型聚氯乙烯护套电缆 light PVC-sheathed cable
轻型塑料护套软线 light plastic-sheathed flexible cord
轻型聚氯乙烯护套软线 light(PVC) sheathed flexible cord
浅色护套 light-colored jacket
铝-聚乙烯粘接护套 laminated aluminum-polyethylene sheath
金属护套 metal sheath
卷边纵包金属护套布线电缆 metal-clad wiring cable
金属护套电缆 metal-sheathed cable
铜芯矿物绝缘铜护套电缆 mineral-insulated copper-sheathed cable with copperconductor
防潮护套 moisture barrier jacket
防潮护套 moisture barrier sheath
氧化镁绝缘金属护套电线 magnesia-insulated metal sheathed wire 聚乙烯-铅综合护套层、铅-聚乙烯综合护套 lepeth
铅-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 lepeth cable
铅-聚乙烯综合护套电缆 lepeth-sheath cable
轻型聚氯乙烯护套电缆 light PVC-sheathed cable
轻型塑料护套软线 light plastic-sheathed flexible cord
轻型聚氯乙烯护套软线 light(PVC) sheathed flexible cord
浅色护套 light-colored jacket
铝-聚乙烯粘接护套 laminated aluminum-polyethylene sheath
层式护套、多层护套、薄层粘接护套 laminated sheath(
层状)粘接[结]带、金属-塑料综合护套用复合带 laminated tape
压铅机、电缆铅护套挤压机 lead cable-sheathing press
压铅机、铅护套挤压机 lead press
铅护套变形 lead sheath strain
铅护套、铅包 lead sheathing
铅合金护套 lead-alloy sheath
铅合金护套 lead-alloy sheathing
铅合金护套电缆 lead-alloy-sheathed cable
铅-聚乙烯综合护套 lead-polyethylenev
挤压[挤包]铅护套、压铅 n
铅(护)套、铅护套 lead-sheath
铅护套挤压机、压铅机 lead-sheathing press
内填充(护套)料[混合物] inner filling compound
内填充护套 inner filling sheath
内护套(北美采用) inner jacket
层式护套、多层护套、薄层粘接护套 laminated sheath(
层状)粘接[结]带、金属-塑料综合护套用复合带 laminated tape
压铅机、电缆铅护套挤压机 lead cable-sheathing press
压铅机、铅护套挤压机 lead press
铅护套变形 lead sheath strain
铅护套、铅包 lead sheathing
铅合金护套 lead-alloy sheath
铅合金护套 lead-alloy sheathing
铅合金护套电缆 lead-alloy-sheathed cable
铅-聚乙烯综合护套 lead-polyethylenev
挤压[挤包]铅护套、压铅 n
铅(护)套、铅护套 lead-sheath
铅护套挤压机、压铅机 lead-sheathing press
内填充(护套)料[混合物] inner filling compound
内填充护套 inner filling sheath
内护套(北美采用) inner jacket
绝缘与护套挤包设备 insulating and jacketing plant
绝缘捩护套材料 insulating jacketing material
护套(在北美、 sheath
仅指金属包覆层)、护层、外壳 jacket
护套渗漏 jacket leak
护套剥除工具 jacket removal tool
护套、包护层 jacketing
护套 jacking
护套印字机 jacking machine
聚氯乙烯绝缘单芯无护套高温电缆 high temperature PVC insulated single-core non-sheathed cable
高折射率护套 higher-index jacketing
液压连续式电缆护套挤压机 hydraulic continuous cable-sheathing press
无卤素护套材料 halogen-free sheathing material
无卤护套 halogon-free jacket
耐热护套软电缆 heat-resistant sheathed flexible cable
重型丁腈/聚氯乙烯护套 heavy-duty acrylonitrile-butadiene/polyvinyl chloride(NBR/PVC) jacket
重型氯化聚乙烯护套 heavy-duty chlorinated polyethylene(CPE)jacket
通用单芯无护套电缆 general purpose single-core nonsheathed cable
通用丁腈/聚氯乙烯护套 general-purpose acrylonitrile-butadiene/polyvinyl chloride(NBR/PVC) jacket
通用氯化聚乙烯护套 general-purpose chlorinated polyethylene(CPE) jacket 通用乙丙烯橡皮护套 general-purpose ethylene-propylene rubber jacket
聚乙烯-铝带综合护套 glovar sheath
卷边[摺边]铝护套 folded aluminium sheath
卷[摺]边铝护套 folded aluminium shield
铝护套锉削 filing of the aluminium sheath(for jointing)
阻燃护套 flame-retardant jacket
超重型黑色氯化聚乙烯护套 extra-heavy-duty chlorinated polyethlene jacket 挤制铝护套 extruded aluminium sheath
挤包内护层、内填充护套 extruded inner covering
电缆上挤包护套 extrusion of the sheath on to the cable
厚度均匀<绝缘、护套等> equithickness
双护套 double sheath
双活塞电缆护套挤压机 double-acting cable sheathing press
双护套光纤 double-jacketed optical fiber
双活塞电缆护套挤压机 double-ram cable sheathing press
双护套电缆 double-sheathed cable
双护套电缆 dual jacketed cable
双层护套、焊接的皱纹金属管护套 duplex sheath
偏心(率、度)<绝缘、护套> eccentricityv
(管子或护套的)减径 die-downv
(金属护套的)减径 die down
皱纹铝护套 corrugated aluminium sheath
皱纹铝护套电缆 corrugated aluminium-sgeathed cable
皱纹铜护套 corrugated copper sheath
皱纹无缝护套 corrugated seamless sheath
皱纹护套 corrugated sheath
皱纹钢护套 corrugated steel sheath
皱纹钢护套电缆 corrugated steel-sheathed cable
护套的龟裂 cracking of jacket
电缆护套的交叉连接[粘接] cross-bonding of cable sheaths
交联氯化聚乙烯护套 crosslinked chlorinated polyethylene jacket
交联氯磺化聚乙烯护套 crosslinked chlorosulfonated polyethylene jacketv 剥除(绝缘、护套) cut back
电缆护套损伤[损坏] damage to the cable sheath
外护套 containment
连续式电缆护套挤压机 continuous cable sheathing press
铜带屏蔽尼龙外护套电缆 copper tape screen nylon jacketed cable
铜护套电缆 copper-sheathed cable
皱纹护套电缆 cormex cable
电缆护套轧纹 v
轧纹 corrugate
耐寒护套 cold-proof sheath
单层纸 simplex paper
单层滚筒七头拉线机 single deck 7 heads type machine
单层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线 single epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire
单层金属编织机 single tier type wire braiding machine
单层的 single-layer
单层电缆 single-layer cable
单层绞线 single-layer strand
单层纸包圆铜电磁线 single-paper-covered round copper magnet wire
单层纸 single-ply paper
单层纸 single-wire paper
双层护套、焊接的皱纹金属管护套 duplex sheath
偏心(率、度)<绝缘、护套> eccentricityv
(管子或护套的)减径 die-downv
(金属护套的)减径 die down
皱纹铝护套 corrugated aluminium sheath
皱纹铝护套电缆 corrugated aluminium-sgeathed cable
皱纹铜护套 corrugated copper sheath
皱纹无缝护套 corrugated seamless sheath
皱纹护套 corrugated sheath
皱纹钢护套 corrugated steel sheath
皱纹钢护套电缆 corrugated steel-sheathed cable
护套的龟裂 cracking of jacket
电缆护套的交叉连接[粘接] cross-bonding of cable sheaths
交联氯化聚乙烯护套 crosslinked chlorinated polyethylene jacket
交联氯磺化聚乙烯护套 crosslinked chlorosulfonated polyethylene jacketv 剥除(绝缘、护套) cut back
电缆护套损伤[损坏] damage to the cable sheath
外护套 containment
连续式电缆护套挤压机 continuous cable sheathing press
铜带屏蔽尼龙外护套电缆 copper tape screen nylon jacketed cable
铜护套电缆 copper-sheathed cable
皱纹护套电缆 cormex cable
电缆护套轧纹 v
轧纹 corrugate
耐寒护套 cold-proof sheath
单层纸 simplex paper
单层滚筒七头拉线机 single deck 7 heads type machine
单层环氧漆包圆铜电磁线 single epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire
单层金属编织机 single tier type wire braiding machine
单层的 single-layer
单层电缆 single-layer cable
单层绞线 single-layer strand
单层纸包圆铜电磁线 single-paper-covered round copper magnet wire
单层纸 single-ply paper
单层纸 single-wire paper
单层 monolayer
钢带铠装电缆 tape armoured cable
钢带铠装 steel tape armour
钢带铠装电缆 steel tape armoured cable
钢带铠装 steel tape armouring
钢带铠装机 steel tape armouring machine
钢带铠装电缆 steel-tape armoured cable
铅包钢带铠装、铅套加钢铠装 l.s.s.t.(lead-sheath,steel-taped)
铅包钢带铠装、铅套加钢带铠装 lead-sheath,steel-taped
内钢带铠装电缆 internal steel-tape armoured cable
双钢带铠装 double tape armour
双层钢带铠装 double layer of steel-tape armour(d.s.t.a.)
双层钢带铠装 d.s.t.a.(double layer of steel-tape armour)
涂层钢带铠装电缆 coated steel tape armoured
钢带铠装电缆 band-armoured cable
镀锌 galvanising
镀锌 zinc plating
镀锌槽 zinc plating bath
镀锌铁丝 zinc-coated iron wire
铠装用镀锌低碳钢丝 zinc-coated low-carbon steel armour
镀锌钢绞线 zinc-coated steel strand
镀锌钢带 zinc-plated steel tape
镀锌 zinking
高强度镀锌钢丝[芯线] high-strength galvanized steel core
高强度镀锌钢丝[芯线] high-strength zinc-coated steel core
电镀、镀锌 galvanizationvt
电镀、镀锌 galvanize
电镀的、镀锌的 galvanized
镀锌铠装钢丝 galvanized armour wire
铅淬火高张力镀锌钢丝 galvanized high-tensile plough-steel wire
镀锌软[低碳]钢丝 galvanized mild steel wire
镀锌铠装钢带 galvanized steel armour tape
镀锌钢芯线、镀锌钢丝 galvanized steel core wire
镀锌钢丝 galvanized steel wire
镀锌钢绞线 galvanized stranded wire
镀锌钢丝 galvanized wire
镀锌槽、锌浴 galvanizing bath
镀锌炉 galvanizing furnace
镀锌装置、电镀装置 galvanizing plant
镀锌收线架 galvanizing take-up frame
电镀的、镀锌的 galvanic
防腐镀锌钢丝 corrosion preventing grease-coated galvanized wire
管式绞线机、管绞机 tube strander
管式绞线机、管绞机 tubular closer
管绞机 tubular strander
管式绞线机、管绞机 tubular stranding machine
管绞机筒体 stranding rotor
高速管绞机 high speed tubular stranding machine10
对群绞设备10- twin group stranding machine
十三头绞线机13- fold twisting machine
十八盘两段卧式绞线成缆机18- bobbin 2-cage horizontal wire stranding and laying-up machine
十八盘绞笼18- bobbin bay
压铝护套 Extruded Aluminium Sheath
钢芯铝绞线 ACSR
钢芯铝绞线 ACSR cable4
对群绞设备4- twin group stranding plant
绞盘、绞车 winch
钢丝绳、钢缆、钢绞线 wire rope
绞线机 wire-stranding machine
绕接、缠绕接线法、导体的扭绞连接 wire-wrap connection
钢丝绳、钢缆、钢绞线 wirerope
带退扭的(绞线) with backtwist
不带退扭的(绞线) without backtwist
绞笼架 yoke
镀锌钢绞线 zinc-coated steel strand